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We'll be sending you text reminders.

A word to parents and students

Parents will receive a text and an email with your Class start date and time. During the first class We will be checking the Birth Certificate you uploaded. If for what ever reason you could not upload that, it will be fine but you need to make sure your student has a copy they can text us during the first class.(photocopies will do). We will start discussing driving schedules that first class as well.

Mr R's is a great place to take drivers education for both parents and students. We work very hard to make driving appointment convenient for parents busy schedules. Mr R's is also THE fun place to take drivers ed for students.

In order to teach students they must be engaged. We keep our students engaged by making it fun to be in class. We use a 30+ page workbook (download and print below) that they will use to follow along and encourage participation. We are not looking for word by word answers, it is a tool to engage the brain and demonstrate participation Students will be required to turn that workbook in on test day. Reading assignments will be from the What Every Driver Must Know. The link is below but can be used as a pdf reference no need to print it.

You will watch your child's progress as they learn both about driving a car and the responsibility that that entails. It is our sincerest hope that we as well as your teen will exceed your expectations. Again, we at Mr R's thank you for choosing us for your student's driving education.

Please take a moment to explore our website. Start with the links below. There is a link to our workbook which the student must download and print to be able to follow along in class. (I would recommend a pocket folder to keep it organized.) There are many additional resources here for both students and parents. It is also an opportunity to get to know us a little better.